A few years ago I was diagnosed with skin cancer.

For several years before that I had been losing weight and in doing so I had been working on transitioning my food to cleaner safer choices, however I hadn’t been paying much attention to my personal care products.

After learning about the skin cancer I started looking into the products I was using and I was appalled. As an example, one of my favorite sunscreens I had been using had an ingredient in it that was known to turn into a carcinogen when exposed to sunlight!

I found it pretty easy to transition my cleaning products over (I mostly just started making my own).

I moved a few of my personal products and most of my make-up to safer choices, but I could NOT find safe hair (or anti-aging skincare) products that actually WORKED.

Then my friend posted this on her Facebook…

I knew she had been selling some sort of haircare stuff, and I thought “ha-ha, that’s cute“.

And my second thought was “Too bad the stuff probably sucks. “

Sidenote: While trying to make “safer” choices, I had still been doing Brazilian blowouts on my hair (very much not a “safe” product to choose). Why? Well hair is important. And while I wanted to make safer choices, I still wanted to feel good. But I wasn’t liking them as much as I did in the beginning. Each time I did one I felt like it was lasting a shorter and shorter period of time and with decreasing results each time. They’re supposed to make your hair dry faster and easier to style, but they’re full of harmful chemicals that you are exposing yourself too as well as exposing your poor stylist to those chemicals as well. Plus they’re EXPENSIVE.


I saw my friend’s sister post that since she switched over she hadn’t had to do another Brazilian blowout.

Wait.. WHAT?!?

That got my attention. So during my next Brazilian blowout I asked my stylist, “have you ever tried that MONAT stuff?”

She hadn’t, but she did have several stylist friends that loved it so much they had started selling it themselves.

So after I paid my bill I texted my friend and asked for a sample and OH my.

I just wanted a safer product, but MY HAIR TRANSFORMED.

It was SOFTER.

Frizziness was GONE.

Split ends were GONE.

I could wear it down and not hate the feel of it on my cheek.

I couldn’t stop touching my hair, it was so soft.

I could let it air dry and not feel like I had to hide it up in a clip or ponytail.

When I styled my hair, it dried faster. It styled easier. The style lasted longer.

When I went in for my next appointment with my stylist (for just a trim this time, not a blowout 😏) she took one touch of my hair and exclaimed “wow, what are you doing for your hair!?  Did you buy that stuff?”

I said yes! She said she had to try it for herself. That’s when I decided to sell it.

And the best part… it grew.

I had always been trying to grow my hair long.  But for some reason after a certain point it just wouldn’t

grow longer. Stylists had told me some people’s hair was just like that. But by switching to safer hair products my hair grew longer than my friends’ with extensions! I was in LOVE.

Since then I have absolutely fallen in love with this company. They are SO caring. They do the right thing. They don’t make anything unless they can make it better than anyone else. Everything they make works incredibly. And they use safe ingredients, even safe to use in the UK.

I would LOVE to get you hooked up to try out your own hair, skin or wellness solution!

Text the word “MONAT INFO” to (951) 981-4171 and then let me know what problem your trying to solve.

Chat SOON!




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