Lets Connect!

What is it about reaching out to new people that’s kinda scary? 

What if this is a dumb question?

This person is going to think I’m dumb for asking.

They’re busy and don’t want to hear from me.

They’re dealing with their own issues, they don’t care about mine.

They are enjoying time with their perfectly groomed matching pajamas insta-worthy family, they don’t want to be interrupted.

If I ask one question this person is now going to hound me and hound me about buying whatever it is they sell.

I messaged them before and they never responded, they must be upset at me. (Actually they just completely forgot and if they’ve remembered by now they’re not sure what to say because it’s been an  embarrassingly long time).

Friend, I’ve thought all these things and I’ve learned that NONE of this is usually true, and certainly not true for me. I show up on social media not because I need a bunch of accolades and likes and comments and followers. I show up because I want to help people just like you, but I can’t help you if you don’t reach out to me

I’m here, waiting on the other side and I can’t wait to hear from you!